Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Singapore Day 12: Aug 17

Sad to see the Singapore skyline recede in the glowing afternoon, we
crossed the almost abandoned border checkpoint into Malaysia at around
2. Driving pretty much nonstop to Kuala Lumpur the midpoint between
Singapore and Penang, we stopped there for dinner with relatives and
my cute cousins. We all got to see my newest cousin who is six months
old and so cute.

Exhausted from the journey I was happy to see my grandma scarfing down
three plates of spicy pickles dish at dinner. Although I was slightly
annoyed at my sister that she ordered pretty much everything
vegetarian seeing that she is one, it was allright with the fish with

This is probably one of my shorter posts, but this day was filled with
driving which does not have too much significance to most people. The
drive was pretty good with a lot of rain and thunderstorms which are
always fun for me. Anyways, goodnight.

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