Sunday, August 9, 2009

Penang, Malaysia Day 1: Aug 6-Pay per use toilets, and even more "

The concept of time is fascinating. Being a 3 days behind on my blogs as of right now really throws me off. I will do my best to recount my first half week in Penang, Malaysia. Thanks for reading.

Now 15 hours ahead of Seattle time, breakfast was consumed in the form of oreos. Comfort food. The morning was spent shopping at Prangin Mall, next to Komtar, the tallest building in Penang. Komtar is a sad story, who got overshadowed by Prangin Mall, not by size but by amounts of business. Komtar is dirty and even a little dangerous at some parts, no matter what some tourbooks say of Komtar being a 'must see'. A 'must see' for bugs and dirt perhaps and also pay per use toilets, but not much else is a 'must see'. (Prangin mall also has pay per use toilets too tho. Keep that spare change.)

Lunch was spent at a Hong Kong restaurant, called Wong Kok Kitchen. It's pretty easy to find on the third floor, near the center of the mall, and very visible. Menu contains rice, noodles, chicken, etc. Coming from the U.S. conversion rates are very good, making food cheap. Portions a little bit small, but it wouldn't be a problem to get two portions. BBQ chicken with noodles in soup is delicious, with the meat actually being almost 100% meat. Service was very attentive, much more so than in America which made me a bit uncomfortable, but that is the style around here. Overall, a great place to try for visitors and locals. There is also a small bakery case towards the left of the entrance serving some of the best egg tarts that I have ever tasted.

When the sun went down, so did my stomach. Dinner was skipped lying in bed, suffering through jet lag, as it was 2am at home at that time. I slept until about10 the next morning.

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