Saturday, August 8, 2009

Berkeley, California Intro

Most San Franciscans would love to think that the east bay is merely a suburb, and that they never need to cross the bay bridge or take the under water bart. However berkeley is far more than a suburb. San francisco would be incomplete without Berkeley.One of Berkeley's most important and famous landmark is the university of california berkeley. With over 30,000 students and multiple nobel peace prizes, this sets the stage for what used to be a very politically active place during the civil rights movement in the 1960s. The alleyways and greenways still fume politics, but not as openly before. To completely experience the city, read the bumper stickers, and get out of the car into the intense urban blocks of telegraph ave immediately south of campus. Blazing kites wave near the marina, couples eat a romantic cash only dinner, and joggers stare equally at san francisco from strawberry canyon. They should stare equally at San Francisco, as San Francisco does not deserve to overshadow Berkeley, which is a crucial player in the culture and life of San Francisco.

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