Saturday, August 8, 2009

Berkeley Day 1: Aug 1-Samples, $5 Water, Screaming (out of pitch) girls, and In N' Out

Having been to berkeley a couple times before to visit my sister in college, i expect traffic, honking horns, and general berkeleyesk chaos. Such should be said for driving down 880 south to the san leandro costco. Eating samples at costco is usually fun and comical. Having a stingy person behind you telling the robotic worker very unenthusiastically cutting meat, "ah! The pieces so small!", can be best defined as entertaining. Hence they call it a sample. But whatever.

Driving back up the lovely 880 which could make some weak stomachs feel sick, i decide to be adventurous and head to a ghanian restaurant where my other sister has been before. Authentic art, and nude art too: viewer discretion advised, line the restaurant walls. Boasting the only exotic western african dining in the baya area, and calling itself tropical paradise, one should love the atmosphere. However the atmosphere is slightly degraded when you see dusty chairs in corners, and printed oit menus from some place like on scratch papaer. But alas the food is wonderful. If you are willing to wait. Like a long time. Seriously, since everything was "fresh", making getting water take approximately 40 minutes and food taking around the same. Most. Foods come witha tomato based rice, which seems weird at first, but my tastebuds warmed up to it after awhile. I ordered some chicken breast dish which was garnished with a powdery curry. Some spinach was tossed on the side, whch was very salty but actually very good. Other dishes my family got were fufu, potato dumplings, vegetarian stews, and salmon salads. Maybe not completely exotic, and more catered toward the local flavor, everything was actually very delicious despite the wait.

The fray. Repetitive songs. Calming songs. Piano rock. Uplifting. Not pump up music. I actually love the fray when I'm in certain moods. This time in mountain view, the fray was also hosting jacks manneqin. Overall a great concert with a great environment, even if girls screaming their lungs out break your cup of coke. No, that did not happen but it felt like it should. The fray part was more lively and popular, but jacks manneqin was also decent. Food was a rip off to say the least. $5 water. $9 hot dog. Oh, and hot dogs are tiny. I shouldve planned ahead as my parents went to an in n out before picking my sister and I up. And they payed a quarter of the price. If you go to California and need something to eat and like burgers and like fat and like salt and like all that unhealthy crap, then go to in n out burger and contribute to an American past time.

Note: Due to being on a plane for so long to malaysia and jetlag, these blogs are a bit behind. I am actually in malaysia right now at an internet cafe. I will try my best to catch up as soon as possible. Please keep note of the dates in the title. Thanks.

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